You are the airplane, Traveling faster than the wreckage of noise you leave behind,
You Low-flying roar
Shaking the cores of youths on rooftops emptying beer bottles into their bellies Confusing birds, ******* on your territory, an audio stream of noise pollution, Claiming the sky as your own
You The shining relic of the millennium, An aerodynamic wonderamongst Midwest wheat, The technological feat of bored men with a hungry need to prove themselves (W)right
The birds will not thank you Neither will the families with ticky tacky shelters plopped beside the tarmac “Worse than living by the highway,” they say, “I would live by the sea, if I could have it my way” (a different kind of jet blue white noise)
The people you carry, we are the only thankful souls Being checked, scanned, and crammed into tight places is a preliminary condition I have lived with
You’re breaking the sky, but you’re taking me places I could never be otherwise