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Apr 2018
My world is weight
My feet crush the rocks into sand
Cracks the very earth
Brings forth the blood of the planet into my flesh
Yet they do not hurt the little beasts below
Only makes them change to survive me
Bug to crab, fish to man

My world is light and dark
My head is kissed by the sun
Yet my feet know not its love
Nor do the beasts below them
My hair is green and lush
Yet my legs are barren
Knowing only smoke and shadow
And shimmering flashes

My world is flowing
Constant movement, constant changes
Plumes become islands, insects *****
The moon pulls me up
Yet the earth tugs me back
Hot then cold, cold then hot
When I breath, the earth changes
When the earth shakes, so do I

My world is life
My blood flows with the bodies of others
My ***** cradled all that lives
Different forms, different shapes
Tentacles and claws, fangs and shells
My flesh is thiers, they take and so do I
Your flesh was once mine, too
But you needed more than my love

My world is salt
A product of my birth
It dries you, it wrinkles your skin
Yet however hard you scrub
You cannot wash off my salt
For my salt is what birthed you
My salt is your past
It nourishes and kills

My world is death
My feet feel only detrius
My past flesh, my old bones
As one leaves, another shall prosper
The shark it's minnow, the algae my sunlight
Their flesh is mine, I take and so do they
Your flesh was mine, too
The riptide comes, you return to me

My world is love
You hurt me, you make me rise
You burn me, cloak me in oil
Yet I don't regret
Evolution was my child
The offspring of flowing, of changing
I cannot hate what I am
So I love you, all the same

My world is yours
My skin laps at your shores
Legs you walk on were fins within me
Your past was mine
All at once, we became two
Your world hard, unchanging
Mine flowing, relentless
And so, all at once, we shall be one again
Written by
odegua  19/Cisgender Male/NH
(19/Cisgender Male/NH)   
   Rick the shoe shine boy and ---
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