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Apr 2018
My brother related a strange dream that he had:
It took place in a bar; he was there with our Dad.
they both ordered a Guinness, in the mood for a stout.
They both were committedย ย to enjoy their night out
The barkeep then asked if they'd be running a tab.
Jim reached in his pocket, he paid for his drinkย ย and Dad's.
" I don't think we will."" Just the one now" He said,
"For I'm on blood thinners and my Dad here is dead."
Dad has been gone for 37 years and my brother seldom picks up a tab but under these circumstances I believe he would. I'm only miffed that he didn''t see  fit to invite me.
John F McCullagh
Written by
John F McCullagh  63/M/NY
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