Imagine for awhile, what it would be like, to hold the one of your dreams How great the sparkle and glow of it, just imagine how complete Thoughts mingling together for a short time, as we would feel Just imagine.
Imagination goes a long way, if you do not disturb the pleasure Of a dream that could become a reality, if you believe one second It can be, just imagine it all.
A poet travels down many roads, each very special Just imagine the thrill that we can create in a second If we love in a special way, tell the world how you feel If only for the excitement of feeling loves sweet caress Write it down, scream it from the mountain tops if you Must, but release it..
Imagine what can be said in a few words from a poet Determined to set his mind free, his heart flowing Within the depths of his own imagination, no words Need to be expressed, only thoughts written at the Moment of creation..