What is love, exactly? A feeling so deep and so pure That it’s different for everybody Well, I know what my love is, for sure
My love is sight When I see your smile, your eyes May it be hellos or goodbyes I know that everything will be all right
My love is hearing Your melodious voice gracing my ears Taking away all of my fears Truly, a beautiful feeling
My love is smell Smelling your scent in an embrace Taking me to another place Up until the ringing of the bell
My love is taste Your delicious lips interlocked with mine Please, never separate, I swear it’s fine Ah, this is just the best
My love is touch Embracing, gripping, clawing at your bare skin Liberating my raw pleasure, feeling yours akin Yes, yes, honey, I love you so much…
You make me lose balance Is it hot in here or is it just me? What a delicious pain through a simple glance I can’t feel myself when I’m with you, really.
This feeling, as you can see Means a lot to me. I think I love loving More than anything.
I was feeling romantic this morning and came up with this! It's wonderful how love can throw all your senses for a loop.