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Mar 2018
My favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate
I go to the store to buy some.
It seems they don't have chocolate ice cream
So I'll wait.

I stroll down the aisle, searching for something delicious
There are so many different flavors of ice cream!
Vanilla, peach, mango, and butterscotch too
And yet I still wait.

It is a very hot day today
I sweat so profusely I fear I may get heatstroke.
I could really use a nice, cold treat right now
And yet I still wait.

Here I am in the store again, searching desperately
I need chocolate ice cream! I can hardly stand it!
Then I see it: the glorious little box atop the shelf
I must say, you certainly were worth the wait.
I'll wait for you, sweetie.
Sarah Taylor
Written by
Sarah Taylor  18/Trans Female
(18/Trans Female)   
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