Have you seen those souls enveloped in grief, enclosed in shells of humans just as poor? Sitting by the road begging for alms - more than that for compassion and love. When they spread their feeble hands in front of you, just look into their eyes. You will see all the pain the neglect and torture that they have been going through. Your heart will melt with pity. Even in extremities, they come up to us asking for means to continue their struggle in those hard times. They hope that the one they approach will hear their soul's cry and be kind enough to give them a reason to smile. We we act indifferent or turn them down they just shatter inside oh! these souls so disturbed and traumatized - but knowing the harsh world around, they gather whatever hope is left in them and begin their search again for a generous soul.
India has over 400,000 beggars. Moved their plight and suffering, I wrote this poem.