Friday on the Jubilee no Central line? no not for me.
Heading West into the den of bogeymen.
This tube train's quite deserted I blurted out in glee but no one here that heard it only me.
Canning Town two stops down ghostly in this light she might get on but no I'm still alone and off we go.
I could get used to this kiss the Central line goodbye but wait North Geeenwich and the hordes arrive all going to their six to five ( they tried nine to five but it didn't pay the rent)
I might alight at Waterloo or Bond Street who can tell it's so nice to get a morning seat and sit down for a spell.
It's full now heaving at the seams and my dreams of solitude are gone
same faces going different places and more suitcases nutcases and in case you forget I'm still to get to the den.
I can't decide, Waterloo or ride it through for three more stops to Bond Street and those fancy shops which by the way open earlier on a Friday or maybe not.
A Roman contribution Nero and hot coffee good for the constitution or so they say but on Friday they'll say anything to get your blood pumping.