I'm sorry that I am the way I am I'm sorry that you happened to fall in love with me because now you can't stop and it makes me feel horrible because in my eyes you fell in love with the wrong person But I certainly didn't I wish I wasn't a broken soul I wish I can give you all of me but all I can give you is what I have left I can only give you me in pieces the rest was left in the past and stolen by people that were broken too and needed to fill in their cracks and holes I came to you because I knew you can make me whole because even if I'm not complete your the only thing that makes me feel like I am You make me happy to the point I forgot the feeling of wanting to die But a tsunami of feeling crash on me when you call my name I can't help to smile and want to run to you but at the same time my heart breaks because I know I'm not right for you You deserve someone who can give you all of them not like me where I can only give you me in pieces