I know it may sting at first After all, it took a long time for me to leave you Even though I wasn't involved with you on a physical level Emotionally that was a different story. The way I kept holding onto you resembled a vine that was in tangled with itself Mixed with red roses In addition to the feeling of trying to let you go When I attempted to time and time again It proved to be nothing and no use as one would say. I did try to detach from you. I tried and tried. Until the roses poked me Endlessly with the thorns So then I gave up Let the thorns stay. And questioned why it was so hard to let go Maybe that's when the roses fell off me & the thorns took a long time to dissolve into the truth that is our past. But when I'm healed, I know you'll be tempted to find me again and love me in the only way you know how. Soft at first then making me question why I left you But I already know my answer. If you didn't realize what you had in the first place
Then don't question why I hold you at arm's length. I'm the girl who you lose in your life to make you realize what you had and that you should've cherished the first time around rather than finally realizing it after I've already left you. - The one who leaves