Fear So complete and so overwhelming; Nothing else can be felt.
The room that surrounds me is too small The white washed walls closing in It is a cave from which I cannot see the mouth. The darkness is engulfing me fast The light is disappearing fast It is a whirlwind of shadows and fading voices The reality is blurring, in its place A distorted nightmare stitches itself Like black, thick treacle it slowly slides into my ear drum A wild hyena laugh It’s here.
The air is painfully thin. Every withering gasp becomes shallower My lungs are shrinking They are red balloons Punctured by sharp, shining needles Deflating, they push out the oxygen Drawing in the black charcoal My chest feels so heavy The smoke suddenly solidifying I can’t breathe.
I am trapped. Isolated and alone My body a steel prison I lie helplessly on its foreign, metallic floor The cold cuts into me My bones freezing over slowly, I can’t move.
The ice is a barrier between me and the outside Carving the figures into unfamiliar shapes I do not know this place I am a child lost in a funfair. The world clumsily stumbles in front of me A million joyous colours and noises bleeding together Forming one screaming siren It yells “PANIC, PANIC, PANIC” A rhythmic repeating chant Blaring and bright I’m drowning in its wails.
My body jitters like an old wood coaster Jerking, swaying under a heavy weight I try to stop it but it is out of my control now The cart has left the station
The hyena laugh again trickles into my ears Growing louder and louder It morphs into a crazed clowns cackle Howling at my failed attempts My palms start to shake, They cling to my arms as I rock back and forth Trying desperately to make it stop Why won’t it stop? Why won’t it end?
My heart starts to speed Beating so fast, it hammers against my glass ribs It is deafening. Like footsteps pounding the pavement Running crazily to try escape Terrified of the monster cowering over its shoulder Painted face, disguised, its screeches surround me. I trip and fall, knees grazing and legs shaking I cry like a little girl to her mother “Make it stop”, I whimper. The monster towers over me.
From aside me, an arm leans into my cave. It whips off the monsters mask. Nothing is there.