After seeing a Flea flee, along with a fast fleeing Fly, I wondered what Fleas and Flies do if in fleeing, they flew into a flue?
Now should a fleeing Flea flee, with a Fly that flies with flu, does flying with a fleeing Fly, free the fleeing Fly of the flu?
When seeing a Fly fly into a flue, followed by a Flea with the flu does it mean that the Fly that flew by flying into the flue, was fleeing from the flu or the Flea with the flu?
When a Flea and Fly are flying is the Flea fleeing with, or flying from a Fly? or was the Fly that flew, fleeing from a Flea?
When a fleeing fly with the flu, flies into a flue and a flea with the flu, is fleeing along with the fly with the flu, into the flue, is the flea flying with the fly with the flu, into the flue, or is it happenstance?