listen to me read we have been borned but of deaths seed
what is it you think you could plant in me
she circled the globe with her hands on the moon
her heels the eat the axis
her spread holds everything else in be tween
hold my here let me touch your freckles
let me straighten your crooked eye look real close why is every eye
on every face different
do you not think do you not think we know your perceptions what wink have you tell me of your wink that the colour pink would blink
was it that marroned night sky the night the stars named me the night they lost thier wink they srceamed you are branded you are stranded you are an stone
you are the glaciers they flew threw me as my spirit tossed do you not think
quickly he blinked what were these buttons what were there letters he just stared at the l e t t ers making words
let us go read what being born of the dead can write ?