Deat Lord, I know we say too much of the little some people are trying to do when we should be trying to do so much about the little we have us!
Dear Lord Though I too haven't done much about the some of the little things I have to do, I know if I put in some work and go according to your plan and your will, I too will begin to do little instead of talking me!
May the intangibles becomes tangibles and may success become my new address accordingly. May manna pour down upon me and everyone else in times of little and may it pour us!
Dear Lord May my vile utterances to not have devasting consequences. May my misguided friends and relatives become people of purpose and direction.May my entourages be well-meaning people... help me!
Dear Lord Help me to give those in need.Help me to forgive those who betrayed in my hustle and put my bread on their personal tables instead of mines.Help those who believe others to stop doing that right us!
Dear Lord My kids I present to you to be in thy care.May Ivan jr not only drive a new van but bless him abundantly that he'll be able to buy anything in this world.Bless Peter to be more like Ivan and bless Sarah too to be more like both of them.Help her dear Lord to be that lawyer she wishes to become..protect and bless them always and me!
Dear Lord, As I lay my head to sleep, may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight... moreover, may I set foot on the right path and continue until I find gold before I become too me!
Dear Lord As I wake up from my bed tomorrow, may the challenges of tomorrow that lay ahead become my testimony for your glorification.May the impossible become possible and may whatsoever man deem undoable become me!