My heart is Breaking for those people who lost a Love one. In Florida, the school where seventeen people lost their lives. The poor children that lost their lives there is so very sad. My Heart is Breaking , for their Friends and their Families. Things are getting even more hard for people not to be afraid. So here I am once again , asking you to Lay your Fears and Doubts. In the Hands of our Creator, so that you shall have nothing to Fear. I as well am Doing my Best , to Laying down all of my Fears too. So that I shall become an worthy child , to our Awesome Savior. For when I see all of this Awful evil in the world right now here. It not only breaks my heart, but puts real fear into my heart too. But I also know that only Christ can protect us and save us too. In this Truth, I shall lay down all of my doubts as well as my fears.