I miss you in a Thought Flash I see your face inside of my mind So real and so animate I wish to reach out to touch the one.. She's gone......I feel her heart, oh so kind. She stood tall Even though she felt small She raised hell She kept her calm even through the storms. However, through it all, she was my rock when the waters almost swept me to Hell. I hear her voice She speaks to me.... Even when I'm awake I feel her supportive breath Upon my weary and heavy sjoulders I grow from weak to stronger....... Just from the dawn of another moment and the honor of her's that's what' is at stake. If I should fail if I give in To those around who put on false acts to win their moments... No matter how weak, ugly, alienated, or far removed from others.. I lift my spirits up..It's a beautiful environment... as I might feel torturous moments dealing with those who stare , point , or they fail to see my hard works or emotions there.... I feel stronger by beating the strongest of Iron Clad wills.. I smile and shine As those doubters attack and in question of my failure to retreat, simply stand there and stare... It was your energy...your living will... and the strength you knew that was in me That won these almost defeating challenges.. As this victory was all mine.
In memory of Christina Grimmie and Other's I've lost in the last decade. I still know that you are with me. Blessings. I shall always fight and win for both of our honor.