Lost to me is me the me i was before you before you smiled and i forgot what it's like to breathe and my old self Left my body and left your clone in it's place. Left the part of me that emulates you, loves you breathes you. Now lost to me is the me I was before i loved you. So much i became you. Lost to me is you. The you that turned the old me into you. The you that made a new me turned into a new you. Transformed, but the new me can't catch up. It mourns the loss of you like a burned down home. Clutching the skin you shed hoping you'll return. That you'll wear that same smile again. That you'll make me forget once again. I should just evolve once again to match the new you. But i can't. Lost to me is that ability. The new me cannot change. So now lost to me are both you and i That's what happens when you love an idea You become an idea, a copy, a clone Unable to function without the original. You are my original, and ******, i need you! I need you so i can be me. I need you to be you. But we are both lost, therefore: Lost to me is you, and Lost to me is me.