unless you're someone like me who can't think one thing without thinking about another
so i drew lines on paper connected people to events places to regrets circled notations and perhaps little is relevant
if i wear my heart and emotions on my sleeve which i do can you possibly imagine what kind of things i don't admit to thinking? and for awhile i thought i didn't have any hidden feelings but then again the deeper i dig the more i find that i do once i get past the fact i don't want to admit they're there
my gut response is to wait until the wound itches grab the band aid and rip it off
but this is a much slower process of hot steam and stinging soap and water peeling bit by painful bit
trying not to let the crime scene thoughts take over my life but slowly snipping color coded threads until things begin falling
learning to live my life with less explosions less catastrophic breakdowns to push past and more tears that wash off in the morning and less that drip into open cuts