Tiny ripples in ocean's cerulean mist, rolling under a sky of amethyst; The biting air permeates the night, with an icy haze from pale moonlight.
And on the sand a bonfire's heat, wraps 'round our bodies like a sheet; The whispering voice of seaside bliss, touches our lips with a gentle kiss.
While dampness rises in the air, we huddle together without a care; Our bright wool scarves fly in the breeze, as a sailboat appears upon the seas.
Yet in the twilight stars' array, the schooner seems to float away; Perhaps our eyes have been deceived, by winter's mystic scene perceived.
A smile caresses your windburned face, in the salty air we both could taste; With one last glance at February's sky, we lovingly embrace and wave goodbye.
Dedicated to my sister Marie who turns 81 on February 6th !!