I was talkin' with Lacey some time ago. The conversation took us hear and there, to and fro. 'Til fin'ly I said."Lacey, how come you don't love me no mo'?" Lacey replied. "You ask me that now eh? What brought that to mind? The reason is now lost somewhere in time. In any case mate, I think we'll both be fine. But since we're atit, 'ow come you neva loved me?" Lacey, it's not that I didn't ya see. I love ya now, jus at the time, I had no idea of how. A moment of silence fell then Lacey took a deep breath and said ..."Well."
Thinkin' bout that conversation we had some time ago. That took Lacey and me hear and there, to and fro. There's one thin' I'd like her t' know. If she were here I'd hold her and neva let her go.