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Jan 2018
Will I finally smile the truth?
Will years of suffering vanish from my youth?
Will I willingly love me for me?
Will you look into my eyes and know I am free?
Will fear still control my every move?
Or have I stepped into life and followed my groove?
Will I look into mirrors without hate in my eyes?
Will I finally trust myself and give up the lies?
Will I be living the life I dreamed?
Or will this one still be falling apart at the seams?
so many questions
I need to know
Into a painstaking journey
to finding my soul
I can’t wait to uncover the woman inside
Peel back each layer to swallow my pride
Dump the hitch hikers who stole their ride
This one is for me and me alone
This rediscovery will carry me home
Melissa Rose
Written by
Melissa Rose  48/F/Canada
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