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Jan 2018
It was exactly a year ago today when the quantum theory became clear
You and I, eons away, yet still interconnected by something
Something inexplicably powerful it felt as if we were born from the same star
It was tonight when I started to fall asleep on skype while you edited your music
Crackling on synthetic piano voices singing melancholy dreams
But it was now when you spoke words of love
The only time I felt true, pure euphoria
And if I thought back then, if I really believed you
Maybe things would be different

Your voice slowly dissipated from my memory, as did your face
Nothing more than a stranger passing by with a red string attached to our fingers
Empty promises long forgotten
Or cared for, if you rather

I know you told me to wait
But for what am I waiting?
For what am I pondering during sleepless nights
How to forgive the abrupt abandonment?
Back a year ago tonight
If I would have believed you when you said you loved me
Maybe moving back home wouldn’t feel like isolation, rather a new beginning

But for now, if by chance
We execute a correspondence on the streets of Amsterdam
Memories will seem as murky as the weather
Cold, harsh
Maybe even unrecognizable
January and February will never be the same
Written by
Mos  Iowa
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