The voices in my head tell me things Sometimes they can be good things! They can tell me how lucky I am How good of a family I have How smart I am Those are the times I am happy And the voices are my friends
The voices in my head tell me things Sometimes they can make me cut. They can remind me of how I'll never get the guy I love How I'm fat everywhere How people talk bad about me How ugly I am How I need to stop everything Those are the times I am sad And the voices take me to the bathroom Where my blood goes drip, drip, drip
When I'm sad the voices tell me to end it Yet some of my friend voices are still there They are the ones I can rely on The ones that make me stop my sadness The ones that tell me to put on a smile And I am happy again
Where are those fun voices? I miss them I can't hear them through the noise But I stay away from hurt I try to create new, good voices And that was how my fake smile was born