Her short cadence with military precision is always careful
At every bridge she breaks step to avoid foolish oscillations a peeking midriff jog pounding shoes on asphalt pavement hard could these send infatuated hopes to destructive swing
Who knows what chasm fantasized are crossed Who knows what war wages and what broken battle of bulges lost Why burn another Leader ego living in some Downfall Bunker
There is a Soldier I know
Her short cadence in boots bare run faster than legged strut
Every night she comes through a backroom window protected by a silver Spoon at best and every morning she survives as golden tongue poetry written on our wired cages
There is a Soldier I know
Her name is Eden and her hands are hot with Dante's inferno
Her adolescent face is cool and on each ear a ring of Blue Herons
Every day her short cadence brings rouge life to our clay complexion and every night her milky whey lips wonder lost in our King Lear kabuki song