Why I'm here and doing things and making long futuristic plans Adorning my mortal body with furs and diamond rings Why am I rushing to acquire titles to lands , knowing I will soon grow old , wither away and someday die , Leaving the warmth and be buried in the cold? Why I'm I here trying to pacify my lie Knowing this life is just a brief candle in the wind And knowing I don't even own it alone ***** ! Yet I never come to the realism and make up my mind That when time is up I wont be saved by my bucks So why can't I fold my hands and throw in the towel , Yet I do all in my might to fight till the final hour Circumventing the rulesΒ Β even when ill health whistles a foul Is it the fighter in me or my ego that has the staying power ? The answer lies in the question as I reflect on my mortality Am I a great ball of energy passing through this temporal phase of life , Or an Angel to bless or a vessel to channel or just a man in reality ? The answer will come someday when I sit reflecting on my mortality all by myself.