Two withered paths, a corded brow, a face rigged in string. Each subsequent step away from the decision – Just met – Draws this string ever tighter Its tension rigging the two paths; Options that will last, Into this sort of equilibrium.
For the crossroads – Just left – To peter down the path Of which he is unsure if his decision was one That could be respected,
A sort of pride remained behind Dragging him back, down the path Which he just passed A decision regretted To bring him to the start which he, oh so hated
Why did he repeat these wonderings With no meanings? What brung him back – time and time again – To that same track?
He teeters on the edge of one path, Then falls into the other Only, to his dismay, To be pulled back on strings – traps – That rip him back to those same crossroads Will he ever learn his lesson? Or is his lesson learnt? The man who swings on ropes of fate between one decision and another.
That's the last poem I've written so far. Make sure to tell me if you're enjoying them and would like me to write more.