To write is like, a powerful emotion that has no words to explain it.
I have a passion to write, like I have no choice to want to write.
Poetry is a formate, a type of writing I am good at.
Writing a novel is harder, for how can I put all my passion into a novel without losing its patience and feeling? I can’t.
It’s like bottling up something that’s too large for the container. It over flows to the next pages until you have too many for a novel.
I am pretty sure if I was to write a book, I would have to write more than one.
I have more poems inside my mind, waiting for inspiration to push it over the edge until I write it down.
I am patient, I know when to write, I also know when is a good time for getting likes and followers. But it's never on my mind.
Most of the time I post not to please you, but to release my mind from the pressure.
I have a passion like no other, it’s counted by the letter, each line is devoured by the next. Until you have a page full of prose and my unique format.