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Jan 2018
The river flowed fast in its shallow shadow
Cluster of primroses and wild daffodil waves
As they bloom in undying joy and awful laughter
Caressing breeze forms a ripple in my body

As my eyes caught the shining leaves
as a glass in the sun my ears listen to my heart
How beautiful, beauty clarifies one heart desire to fall
As I walk on the shape, color and texture of her skin

The quiet sound of rippling water screamed
Her mind stirred thoughts of happy love
Is this the lost rib, my heart so inclined
That lifted the river of warm thought in me

Silver sheen of admiration
grows like ***** willows
As I leaned out of the water of thoughts
love sheltered the valley as winter sun

****** of first flowering green so visible
love introduces so much pain in my heart
For it is an empty path that tempts a heart
To climb so fastly instead of slowly

Written by
Martin Ijir
The Sick Red Carnation
Written by
The Sick Red Carnation  27/F/Iran
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