GMO foods punch holes in cells permeate the gut, creating gaps in guts Leading to food floating in bloodstreams, rivers of pain Food allergies, ulcers, IBS .... these are the milder troubles I won't speak of IBD, Cancer and Crohns disease Babies born now allergic to foods, children allergic more than ever They said, though the BT injected crops killed bugs, bursting their bellies that they were still safe for humans....They were wrong! Now these GMO crops are causing a myriad of gastro problems in people! Food crops are now Roundup ready in the Killing Fields.
Videos to watch:;=relmfu;=relmfu
I know this is another rant...I just really like getting the info out there to people. This is serious stuff folks. I have seen it's seriousness first hand, we need to stop eating this crap! Buy organic if you can, grow your own food whenever possible. : )