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Jan 2018
i would not believe
             you if
you told me that
             you had
forgotten me.

i am

             (not one who is good at
             remembers things but
             i am sure that i could not
             forget a relationship
             so quickly)

certain that what i have
experienced with you
is real

i am

             (wondering if all
             this time i have
             spent loving you and
             all i have ever
             known is false)

doubting myself and
my memory for it has
been fading though
i did not think it could
get this bad

so tell me

             (please i beg you)

and promise me

             (leave out the lies)

that you have not

             (it is impossible)

lost your memory

             (so easily)

so easily.
inspired by ee cummings! a poem i wrote that i may turn in for school (mostly likely not).

i've been gone for a while! and i will be gone for a while again, most likely. i have not been writing poetry like i used to. i miss it. but it also felt like a burden. it is hard to explain.
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