Today is the 13th of December it's quietly been crawling through the wee hours of the night It's cold here where I live -4 to be precise What's the weather like where you live? I'd imagine it to be sunny all the time. A magical place where unicorns run free across skies and seas and their is no wars just always and only peace, there is no known word called disease and everyone there is overflowing with happiness and delight to be in such a perfect afterlife. You see everyone down here is just getting ready for Christmas and writing their own wish lists But I can't help but think of you, or you, or you, or you, four people gone from this families tree within months of each other you vanished this year and I didn't get time to tell you I love you as you took your last breaths and left this earth For a prettier place where you still get to see the snow you just don't get to feel the bitter touch of -4 on this day in December I just wanted you to know that I remember you, and you, and you, and you!