When I talk of beautitude Please do not think it is "my" bliss It is "YOURS"
The LOVE's awakening is all yours That is what I am trying to give Your bliss back to YOU
So even if I am right or wrong In realizing my BEAUTITUDE Do not consider I am in bliss Beautitude is YOU, Please accept it...!
Utmost Bliss has always been YOU Just a part of that bliss YOU showered on ME with LOVE That started our LOVE-journey
I opened up my soul — To absorb LOVE and Realize beautitude
Now I give your bliss back to YOU Open your soul — and Absorb LOVE to Realize beautitude
If you do not do that Our LOVE will wither away A cold winter death... Understand this TRUTH
Without YOU — We don't have beautitude
Notes: Beautitude is not bliss, nor happiness — It is the REAL TRUTH we all seek And never find it in any way and/ or In any thing we do It is only LOVE that grants us Beautitude