A scien’terrific, spiri’tool To fool around with; a reality The best of microscopes can see And measure. Pure arithme-ticking over, Showering the brain with light; Sparks queueing up in scans, A cue to IQ variations, and The more the better. Riches of all human wishes lying there Waiting to be bared then shared: Nature in infinitude.
One good turn deserves another; One good synapse serves another. “Wakey, wakey” here comes knowledge! Insights new, fresh out of college! Insights causing you to grow; Daring you to dare to go; Blowing horns you dared not blow. Synapse and invention new; By definition a new you.
I’m signing off with love (or luff), This synapse stuff the glove That warms, Synapses’ arms The magic charm.
Synapses 12.9.2017 Circling Round Science II; To The Child Mystic II; Arlene Corwin
I love this one. Thought of it, wrote it in the bath, soaking paper and all.