I am on the receiving end of an emotional hierarchy on the power dynamic of control and it is based at the core foundation of my childhood rooted inside the deep seeded fear of isolation and abuse. I have come a long way since then.
Since the corner of my shut closet became a museum for these guilt pangs in my 7 year old stomach.
But the shouts of my parents still haven't diminished and neither have these pangs.
A constant reminder I am closer to my childhood than I am my progress.
So I have to take a step away from all of these things putting me back into that dark closet into the Eminem show soundtrack on the 6th grade bus crying because I didn't feel loved.
I don't want to go back to not eating for weeks or showering for a month just so I could get the attention.
I never had it anyway so why was I fighting for the nonexistent? why am I fighting, still now for the constant validation and acknowledgment of existence.
I am still closer to my childhood than I am my progress and I keep stepping back into people, place and things that put me there.
every friend and boyfriend reminding me of my father or my mother and every minute of isolation reminding me that there is no lesson that I haven't been taught from loneliness and inadequacy.
So I should be thankful I am closer to my childhood than my recovery because that's where it started, and for me- that's where it ends.
Somewhere between the closet space and basement walls- I am buried there.