Tick tock! Tick tock! "It's 12 midnight" said the clock. My time is up, I need to go back.
Am I cinderella? Wearing a beautiful gown and a glass shoe. Running out of time to be with you.
You who is holding my hands right now. Staring at me like I'm your world. How can I leave you behind?
Love, this is love. Fading away slowly like the stars at the night. How can destiny be so unkind? That even our love expires. Hold me. Hold me close. I want to be with yours forever.
Tick tock! Tick tock! "It's 12 midnight" said the clock. I need to say goodbye.
Can you give me one last kiss? Our love maybe short, but my heart will always be yours.
I will look for you beyond the horizon. Where the sun kisses the sea. I'll shout your name, Until you hear me again.
Love, this is love. Fading away slowly like the stars at night. How can destiny be so unkind? That even our love expires. Hold me. Hold me close. I want to be with yours forever.
Remember, my love our paths will meet again. So don't let go for this love will always win. I love you. I love you.
Love, this is love. Fading away slowly like the stars at night. How can destiny be so unkind? That even our love expires. Hold me. Hold me close. I want to be with yours forever.