Every SunDay I sat acRoss from him watching as he mIndlessly grabbed for his black pen out of his flannel shirt pockeT
Every Sunday we walkEd to the corner stoRe Across the street from our small picket Fence and grabbed a Sunday paper from the bottoM of the Stack.
Every SundaY He wore his glasSes instead of his contacts. "It gives me better brain function" he said Every Sunday
Every SUnday he asked me the strangest questions imaginable. "WHats a 4 letter word for 'In times past'" to which I would respond "once might fit," or whatever tHe answer could be.
Every Sunday we became an invinCible team a word fighting Duo
Every SuNday we defeated the greatest villain to newspapers everywhere the NY Times Crossword
every sunday i fell in love more and more a never-ending crossword.