The disembodied radio host asked: If you could live a past experience, What would you choose? I searched my far and recent memories. What would it be? Some thought ensued... Then some more. A week's gone by. Here's why. Seven days ago... I'd like, I thought, to bumper-jump In four inch snow. Then six days ago... The tender, innocent, inviting experience Of my most amazing, surprising and tantalizing First Kiss. Then five days ago... My university years. They happened once. Then four days ago... Achieving a pleasing place with my avocation. Then three days ago... The first born, second born, third born. Daddyhood. Then two days ago... My happy and contented first day of retirement. One day ago... A Guiness and a shot of Jameson. Grandahood. And today? What would I like to re-experience... Many more days Like today.