I cried for the litter girl who still hangs on to a spark of hope, the teen girl who waits for daddy to come the woman that sits up in the dark wondering where her husband might be since hes been out of work since 5 pm and its now 5 am with no sign of him coming in
I had a love once who got on a plane and found happiness with out me and then I stayed settled with someone who I knew couldn't ever love me not in the ways I've always needed to be loved so for a while I allowed it
I took a lover after begin alone for years sadly I couldn't give him all of me, I've been torn down cast aside put down and made to feel I'm worthless that lil girl that wife and mother longing for her own yet not found it yet
Been abused and beat to where life had no meaning and has nothing to offer yet im to afraid to stop living yet to this lil girl inside this is not living this is just existing
I want to be loved again where I feel safe and wanted needed and desire made love to until my longing goes away .
fairy tales are real I've held it once and didn't know what to do with it mental health be ****** I deserve my happy ending!