Who told you there is no war When mortal's spreads hate speeches As the butter it with ***** fail desire
Who told you there is no war When many listen to voices of drumbeat And draw lines as they bark as dogs
Who told you there is no war When many steals money meant for all Leaving family behind poverty lines
Who told you there is no war When peace sink in water And love drown in the soil
Who told you there is no war When peace weds nuclear products And nuclear warships shout in protest
Who told you there is no war When mad man are the leaders As their words comes out as ****
Without examination who hurts As the control fossil fuel Lying stripe naked at the desert crying
Who told you there is no war When the build obstacle of Rubicons Recruit have-not as their toiling soldier
The battle of cruelty needs to end For it is the worse war without bloodshed As youth be co useless as they peddle in drugs And all such of anti human behaviors
There is a war going outside That no one is safe from Because many cannot read or write
Either view the world as readily good Instead they view it as readily evil As they scavenge for their survival
The struggle for survival continues... So the war continues...