Choose your friends and hold them tight Squeeze them, hug them, with all your might Appreciate them, confide in them, don't let them go, encourage them to stretch and grow They will be there still when others have retreated, the best friends are those that remain seated.
One day you will truly see how good Friendships can truly be When your feeling lost and down, searching for something to replace your frown Reach for your closest of Friends, a bottle of wine and some chips and dips, let the gossip flow free from your lips
Diss the trends of today, Big up your assets and that of your friends, whilst eating chocolate and giggling silly, you will begin to see the world much differently
By the end of the evening, laughing and wheezing you will see how truly amazing Friendships can be.
Give your best friend a hug today
Friendship, i am lucky to have known my best friend for 40 years and we know each other inside out