I'm tired of everything around me And everyone beside of me There all fake, They all will flea When the storm comes they'll be gone
They use me like a store,they come and go but they never stay It's like i'm dispensable, Ball me up and throw me away It's like I'm their own ******* Lay-Away
I'm sorry if this upsets you Actually I'm not, I mean to offend you I hope this hurts as much you hurt me cause I'm tired I'm simply tired with not just you with but everyone's *******
My friends are fake in more then one way But I don't do a **** thing about it but complain I believe it's come this, To this conclusion that I'd rather be alone
May sound harsh but it's the truth cause everything I do slowly turns back on me, Specially when it comes to him I'm simply tired of being confused about him and his feelings Takes a toll on you, It really does
Every night I try to sleep away the pain but it does not dissolve Instead the tiredness of keeping it block let's it slip in to my dreams Which turn into nightmares an those nightmares remind me of what was done to me