The dub reggae's loud as she relaxes The drug-smoke hits our brain synapses King Tubby* spreads my mind around the room As we listen to the bass line boom
These are the times to be remembered 2017, the first of November As chilled out as it is possible to be Yet, still be conscious, yet still breathe
Yes, nights like these are the good times I scribble my words and try to think of rhymes There are no words that need to be said Between us, lying on this bed
The love is there, a living thing With the bass-line's boom and the snare drum's sting Yes nights like these should be remembered 2017, the first of November
* King Tubby was a fantastic producer of 'Dub Reggae' A style of reggae where the music was remixed with the bass and drums pushed to the front and snippets of vocals and other sounds were heavily treated with echo and occasionally layered onto the track