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Oct 2017

I have said before, that the shortest distance between two souls is a smile.
The longest, a silence.
For daily we meet people.
Some, no words exchanged and yet an imprint left upon our being that won't fade.
While others speak a thousand words, none impact, their vocality hollow and lost upon you.
But here is the thing.
A smile has many facets.
A smile has no language, no need of a translator, no passport norr permissions sought.
Once you have seen a smile that penetrated your walls, your barriers and fears, it is like wanting a fix.
The yearning to have one more shot.
The adulation, the comfort, the everything.
Has someone smiled like that to you?
What did you do....
Micheal Wolf
Written by
Micheal Wolf  On the edge of reason, UK
(On the edge of reason, UK)   
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