Screaming rage, the old pachyderm charges hard Scattering predators away from the ravaged corpse of her fallen friend
The carnivorous stork and vulture cloud simultaneously take startled flight & retreat raggedly to the nearest dead tree, there to turn and glare with accusing eyes and cawing clamour. The hyenas and jackals scatter from the stinking cavernous maw of abdomen and scramble for the cover of thorn bush perimeter. Their hideous cackle and yapping adding to the cocophany of the noisy horror in this small, dry and dusty African drama.
Wheeling about the old cow surveys the clearing and, satisfied she has seen the vile things off, turns back to her fallen friend, shuffling through the thick white dust, she stands close by protecting.
Unfurling her massive trunk, she gently wraps it's sensitive tip around the scarred tusk of her fallen companion...and standing there, In a long, long sentinel silence...she remembers.......
Standing flank to flank in waters Cooling spray upon the hide, Trunks entwined to rumbled chortle Bull and cow and calf abide. Striding through the Serengetti Grasses tall and sweet and green, Grazing in this luscious plenty Happiness in joy unseen.
New born calf cavorts, unsteady Laughing at her rubber legs, Keep a watch for lion menace Always lurking for the dregs. Cow to cow companionship Builds the basis of the herd, One reliant on the other Cuddly calf to bull absurd.
Sunset on the far horizon Golden glow across the plain, Trekking for the waterhole Through acacia tree domain. Zebra throng with wilderbeast, Quail and guinea fowl Run through grasses long and brown But leopard on the prowl.
Fun time with marula berries Dropping from the trees like rain, Staggering drunk pachyderms Fall about but feel no pain. Violence in defensiveness Circled by enormous rage Calves protected safe within Roaring lioness engaged.
Quiet of the evening air A stillness in the herd Affection of companionship 'Twixt leather hides doth gird. Companions together The wise and the sage, Companions endureth Through an elephant's old age.
Kilamanjaro crowned with snow Though plains are cracked and dry, Prolonged drought has taken toll And many creatures die. Trekking from dry waterhole A million dusty miles To find the next one caked with salt Enough to make you cry.
And when the cloud of death descends A pachyderm must cry For the memory of companion Will bring a sadness to the eye. Remembering their sister ship Remembering their pain Remembering shared elephant-ness Brings good recall again.
Reluctantly a parting made And fond and distant memories burn, The taste of Africa prevails As skulking, predators return.