The bells ring boldly they've sold me on Sunday what japes men in capes giving sermons to the sinners
*** luck, *** roast I'm as warm as toast heading off to hell with a handcart for that old **** old Nick.
Did you pick your nose? could have picked a better one ( another joke that creaks) but not as much as this place reeks of sulphur, sufferings and empty promises of better things.
Giving him a benefit of any doubts about that other place where angels play all day I sink away and very slowly, become the fabric from which new dreams are made
Sunday and one more motorcade through the crossroads and fade into our history until the powers that be decide to disinter you as if that would change what happened to you
they've sold me on Sunday but I can blame the bells
what's your excuse of choice delivered in a sonorous voice to an audience of Lincoln lookalikes
If and if only or only if I pass away I'll take my chances with the ones that play harps.