The broken hieroglyphic notions that I wrote on paper have brought me here Begging To empty this empty shell of a carcass of all the emotions I am convinced I feel fully You will not be the one to tell me otherwise
Elation Will forever been a childhood dream Manifested in Christmas songs, long nails and ignoring the too many times you told me you loved me That ended after 22 short years That was five years ago I am still on a search party
Doubt Is left in the hands of god and tomorrow
Wonder I still wonder why Forever we will not seen eye to eye Because the wonder I experience Will always be a glass half full
Depression There was never a question in your ability to consume You have adapted to the cells of existance Breathing on my smile Wondering how I could still be happy
Longing .............................
Perserverance With your absence I still show up For some days I wake wishing the latter For you Never gave up
Family Has become lily pads in a dried lake bed Failing to fulfil its purpose Needing guidance Depserately Wishing that you Would come back home