I shadow you around Wherever you go It does not cross my mind That I want to be away from you
My devotion means that Wherever you are That's where I want to be
I lick your face To show my LOVE This is the way I groom you to show We share a solid bond of intimacy
I jump up when I see you As a sign to show I want to... Greet you with excitement That's my instinctive behavior To show my affection
I want to roughhouse with you To show that I want to play with you It is very necessary to Develop our relationship
I am hardwired to be Social with YOU You are the most important Person in the whole world I look up to you for LOVE, care, affection Guidance and Companionship
Of course I am your Loyal lover dog
It is time I like To curl up and sleep Along with you I expect you to cuddle me When I hop on the bed with YOU
I care and cry When you feel sad or When you are ill or sick
I feel joy and smile When you are happy I watch over Every emotion of yours
I always make My way near your feet Under and/ or between your legs To literally lean on you Remember that is me Asking for your attention...
Just look at my face When you are around me I smile when I see you I feel sad when You are not around...
I constantly smell you Your flavors, your scents Sniffing is my way Of knowing YOU In all your moods...
I am your loving dog My sign of happiness On seeing you Is wagging my tail...