My heart aches for my daughters. My heart aches for my son. My soul longs for them to know how much the Father loves them. But they will not hear my words, which fall upon deaf ears. I must show them His love. In how I live. Showing mercy rather than judgement. Living by faith instead of fear.
My heart aches. My heart aches for them to know the Good Shepherd. Oh, how can I show them His ways? Sometimes, there must be no words. Sometimes the best thing I can do is go into my room and quietly pray. Perhaps this is the best way... Go into my closet. My secret place. Before Him. Where I fall on my knees. And quietly. Pray. To the God who hears. And answers. Openly.
"But when you pray, go into your most private room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." --Matt. 6:6, Holy Bible (amp)