Wish I could talk about love Falling in love, becoming love, someone falling in love w me how it feels to have someone touch me and it not induce panic or shock or fear, just love, comfort, gushy mushy, how-do-you-like-your-eggs kinda love Wish I could talk about how much I love them How it felt meeting them for the first time, getting to know them, touching them for the first time Know they were mine and that I was theirs for the first time All of the possible first times All of mine theirs and all of theirs mine How hard it would be to say good bye and how amazing it would feel to say hello I wish I could say that i'll never love another Pure, unadulterated, Feelings that are felt back But I can only promise empty touches, false hopes and a kiss once in awhile Feelings are infinite and fleeting, Sometimes they are good things They are bad things But most times, in my case, they are nothings Nothings crumpled up on paper and whispered on pillows Maybe a one time kiss and some heavy petting Maybe a hand to hold and someone to warm you when you are cold But nothing more than skin, lips, and hands