Once I lost you I lost me too you were apart of me
but now your gone
trying to move on with someone new my mind is trying to find ways to stop the pain but my heart is running back to you
Is moving on really stopping the pain? How can you move on when you don't remember how to feel ? or love?
thats when I met him honestly wish I never did it was just two emotionless bodies acting out "love"
I wish I never did the things I did but I cant go back
wish I could
he was a big mistake but not a regret
he walked into my life at the wrong time but he was also the wrong guy to walk into my life in the first place
I hope someday I can feel the same love I did before better yet even more
I hope one day I can fall in love again this time I dont **** it up
and makes me forget the pain
and forget my past....especially him
so if someone ask me one day "how is he?" (my first love) I can smile and mean it and say "hes fine" without caring or feeling triggered every time someone mentions his name better yet or "who's?"
if your confused I'm mentioning the guy that walked my life after my ex and broke up and my ex(first love